Silenzio, Bruno!

Jul 12, 2022

Hey there! 


Have you ever had a stream of thoughts in your head that are particularly nasty? Just down right cruel? 

You know...the one that goes a little something like this:

  • "I'm not good enough."
  • "I can never accomplish that goal."


Or, it can point the finger:

  • "No one really likes you."
  • "You're too loud."


The list can go on and on, but I won't list it all out because quite frankly that voice gets too much attention as it is, and I am currently refusing to allow it any more attention. 

I was recently chatting with a friend about this annoying voice as she was having a particularly challenging day battling back. In times such as those I have found there are a few different ways you can approach the situation. 

  1. You can show yourself some kindness - Gently remind yourself that those thoughts are not your own. When you were young you had every confidence in the world that you could do absolutely anything you set your mind to!! It wasn't until someone created doubt or flat out told you otherwise that you began to think that maybe you couldn't. Spoiler alert - You can!
  2. You can distract yourself - Get around people who bring you joy! Or maybe even an activity that brings you joy and requires you to focus so your mind stops racing. As long as it is a healthy distraction, this can be a useful tool to quiet that inner critic.
  3. You can get mean back - Sometimes when it gets too loud, and makes you feel powerless...get mean back! Take your power back, and tell that voice to shuttup & sit down because you are not allowing it to have power over you. 

That last one may secretly be my favorite😉 Truthfully, it reminds me of a scene from the movie Luca. Now if you have a small child in your life you may know exactly what scene I am referring to. However, if you do not, no need to worry! I will share it here for you! A brief synopsis (no spoilers) is required before viewing the clip though.

Luca is a "sea monster" who is incredibly curious about what is above the surface. In the movie, he has the ability to transform into a human simply by breaking the surface of the water and becoming dry, but he is too scared to do so. One day curiosity gets the better of him, and he's off on his grand adventure!! All the while avoiding any droplets of water that may show his true self to the humans above. 

                                                           Watch Inner Critic, Luca Clip Here!

I absolutely love that a topic such as this was put into a movie, and explained in a way that younger children can put this into action early on in their lives! The more practice you have with silencing your inner "Bruno" the easier it will become with time. 

Never forget that negative thoughts such as those are incredibly untrue! You are fiercely capable of ALL things! And even when things seem impossible...there is always a way. And always someone in your corner🧡


All my best,

Dr. Gretchen, PT