"Stand Up Straight!"

Sep 07, 2022

How many times have you heard that statement from well-meaning friends or relatives?!

The truth is: They're not wrong! Poor posture is a major culprit when it comes to back problems and it affects more than 80% of all Americans. But, when is this such an issue and how did it get this bad?

People are more sedentary today than at any other time in human history. Many of us spend most of our time sitting at a desk, driving, and sitting on unsupportive, soft furniture. Muscles in the back and neck can overstretch and weaken while sitting/slouching. Couple this with the time we spend looking down at a computer, phone, or tablet and you have the perfect recipe for poor posture. Even as I type this, I find myself slouching while sitting at my desk! And I should know better, right? Old habits die hard, but there are things you can do to ensure that your posture not only improves, but your spine and core muscles become stronger! 

It can be helpful to become aware of the natural curve of your spine. (This is a great time for a mini-mindfulness moment!) Take a deep breath, expanding your belly and exhale slowly. Now close your eyes and see if you can imagine where your spine naturally curves. 

Your pelvis should be even, shoulders and head slightly back (as shown in the photo, above). Your fingers should be slightly forward. Now have someone look at your normal standing posture compared to the picture above (or take a look in the mirror) to determine where there is room for postural improvement.

You may also find this YouTube video helpful. In this video, I reveal 4 tips to better posture!

If you're not pleased with your posture or if you have been experiencing the effects of poor posture then consider checking out the Total Core Program from The MSing Link!

The Total Core Program includes:

★ Seven core strengthening exercise videos with demonstrations & explanations

★ Bonus modified exercises

★ Bonus advanced exercises

★ Two educational videos on the core & its impact on our movement

★ Printable exercise worksheets that have photos + instructions for each exercise

★ A tracker sheet to tally your repetitions and view your progress from week to week

Benefits of core strength include:

  • Decreased lower back pain
  • Improved stability and balance
  • Improved mobility and gait
  • Decrease risk of injury
  • Reduced falls and tripping
  • Improved posture 

You're sure to feel stronger and more balanced with increased mobility and a reduced risk of back pain. Order the Total Core Program and receive:

★ A one time charge of $29.99

★24/7, lifetime access

Learn more about the Total Core Program

All my best,

Dr. Gretchen, PT