Step Outside Your Comfort Zone✨

Aug 02, 2022

Hi {{first_name}}!


Comfort zones are a funny thing. We all have them in different areas of life, and there can be times that we don't even realize just how much we hold tight to them! Comfort zones can be a good thing, especially for those who have MS. Having comfort zones could mean a variety of things such as being completely comfortable in your ability to safely move around familiar territory, such as your home or work place; or knowing that you can exactly 10 repetitions of an exercise without feeling overly fatigued the rest of your day. Given the uncertainty that comes along with a chronic illness such as MS, these zones can be especially comforting. 

However, they can also become a bad thing. And in those instances it can be absolutely vital to our progress, and growth as humans to break out of them every now and again! So many people with MS have goals in mind that they want to achieve, and if you truly want to continue to grow and adjust to new situations a comfort zone is no place to stay. 

  • Your confidence will increase - That little fear in the back of your mind about entering a new situation should be viewed as a reminder that leaving your comfort zone may not be simple or easy...NOT as an indicator that you should not go for it. Once you do, you may find that it wasn't as difficult as you thought! That new terrain you were worried about might be just the thing to show you how much your balance has improved! The social situation you thought would be uncomfortable may just show you how much you've grown over the last few years. You never know until you try!
  • You'll be more creative - Comfort zone are a great opportunity for our minds to go into auto pilot. But, who ever discovered anything new and exciting by setting the cruise control and staying on the exact charted course? When you experience new environments it allows parts of your mind to shake off the cobwebs, and flow with new ideas, as well as openly receive & retain new information.
  • You'll meet new people & live new rewarding experiences - "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." may just be one of the most true statements ever made. There is absolutely a beauty to "auto pilot" days, but there is a magnificent quality to the new that cannot be matched. 

I want to take a moment to say, please do not be discouraged by this email. "New" experiences, or "getting outside of your comfort zone" does not have to mean some grandiose adventure that takes you half way across the world. For you it can mean making it down to the coffee shop to share a chat with your friends! Or succeeding in an exercise or activity that previously was too challenging or you were fearful to even try! Or finally trying your hand at painting, crochet, writing poetry, singing a song full voice, etc. It can mean whatever you choose it to! 

ALL acts of "newness" are in fact acts of bravery🧡

Now, go be brave!😃


All my best,

Dr. Gretchen, PT