The Power of Music🎼

Apr 19, 2022

Music can do so much for us. Everyone has that one song...or several that just really amps up their mood! Whether it's giving you the oomph to power through that cleaning task you've been putting off, pushing through a hard workout, or having a spontaneous dance party in the living room, the right music can really set the tone. And of course, music is there for us when we want to unwind, perhaps with a calming bath, yoga session, or massage.

There's no denying that music is impactful! But, have you ever wondered if it can be used for helping treat depression, or autism, or chronic pain, or even cardiac disease?! Spoiler alert: IT CAN! 

This type of treatment is called music therapy and it can include listening to music, playing instruments, writing songs, or even just listening to music; no musical talent required! 

Research in music therapy supports its effectiveness in six areas: psychological, emotional, physical, spiritual, cognitive and social. Some benefits of music therapy include: 

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Improving memory
  • Self reflection by observing your thoughts & emotions
  • Reducing muscle tension
  • Managing pain
  • Increasing joy & motivation

Prior to the session your music therapist will assess your needs, and strengths including but not limited to emotional well being, physical health, cognition skills, etc. And of course what your musical taste includes! 

After the session your music therapist will evaluate the effectiveness of the session to see if your goals were met. Some choose to carry on with multiple sessions, others may not. Just as everyone's taste in music is different, everyone's responses are individualized as well. 

Never forget that what we choose to ingest throughout our day is impactful to our mental well being, and even our physical well being. That includes the music we listen to, what we view on social media, television, video games, etc. 

Treat yourself with kindness🧡 

Have you ever experienced music therapy? I'd love to know your experience!


Dr. Gretchen, PT