4 Week MS Mobility Challenge

A 4 week MS-specific exercise challenge designed to help you:

1) Learn & implement the right type of exercises for MS
2) Begin exercising in a way that will help improve your mobility/walking
3) Lift your legs higher when walking, walk on uneven surfaces, and walk longer distances
4) Feel confident you're doing what it takes to reach your goals

If you're ready to hit the ground running & start exercising in a way that will strengthen your muscles & your brain (which is key when you have MS)... this 4 week challenge was designed for YOU!

There's no guess work or uncertainty - you'll be told (and shown) exactly what to do each day.

What you'll get:

  • 20 MS-Specific Exercise Classes
    • One class per day
    • 5 days per week
    • For 4 weeks

  •  Guidance on how to modify or advance any exercise

  • A guide of exactly which exercises to do each day

  • Each class will focus on an important role of mobility:
    • strength
    • flexibility
    • core
    • balance
    • cardio

  • Access for the lifetime of the offer
    • This challenge is designed for you to complete in 4 weeks, however... life happens & MS symptoms can occur unexpectedly, so I've built in extra time complete the challenge and/or to come back and repeat it as many times as you'd like. 

Valued at $397

This challenge is for you if:

- your MS causes weakness in your legs & core
- you have goals of improving your walking, mobility, and strength
- you're eager & ready to start following an exercise plan

This challenge is NOT for you if:

- you have no weakness in your legs
- your walking is unaffected by MS
- you already have an exercise program and aren't open to a new approach

Imagine finally staying consistent with an easy-to-follow exercise program where you start seeing improvements faster than ever before (don't take my word for it... read some of the testimonials below).

→ You're not tripping as much
→ You're able to lift your leg(s) higher
→ You're not touching as many walls/furniture while walking because you're feeling more balanced
→ You feel more confident standing up from low surfaces & climbing stairs.

Yes... that's possible for you (even with MS)!

No more uncertainty or doubt -- pure assurance that your exercise program includes the exact right types of movement for your symptoms & your goals.

That's what's possible for you inside the 4-Week Mobility Challenge.

If you've tried other forms of physical therapy & exercise and it didn't work for you... have no fear... this is different:

This challenge utilizes research-backed exercises specific to people with MS that allows you to strengthen your muscles AND the connection between your brain and muscles (your neural pathways).


Participants of this 4-Week MS Mobility challenge have said: 

"I struggle with consistency, but with the classes all picked out & a timeline to do it in pushed me to meet my deadlines. Also, not having to think about what exercises to do and Dr. Gretchen talking me through them is what I needed." - Meladee

"Walking up stairs is easier than it's been in years! I feel inspired to keep going." - Karen

"These classes broke down exercises I can do throughout my day and also had easier versions, which is amazing on the days I'm more tired. I still have to use a cane to get around, but after 4 weeks I'm already noticing an improvement - my partner has noticed as well! And my endurance is better, too! I'm excited for the future." - Molly

"I almost slipped the other day after just one week of the challenge, but caught myself & my reaction time was fast enough to grab & hold on without falling -- yippee big big win!" - Crystal

"I couldn't believe the improvement I saw in my foot drop! Within the first few weeks I could lift my ankle more!" - Ashley

"This challenge has helped me more than any other PT or exercise I've done before! I'm standing longer, walking on grass, and feel more stable!" - Carol


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is the 4-Week MS Mobility Challenge?
A: An exercise-based challenge with one MS-specific exercise class per day for 4 weeks (20 classes total) to help you implement the knowledge you just learned in the 5-day challenge! All exercises will show a modified & advanced version.

Q: How does the challenge work?
A: You'll get access to all of the exercise classes all at once. The challenge is to perform one exercise class per day for up to 5 days per week. The classes are outlined on a day-by-day basis, so you'll know which exercise to do each day - no guesswork.

Q: How long are the classes?
A: Classes range from 20-40 minutes. They can be performed all at once or split up into segments throughout the day.

Q: Is the challenge live or self-paced?
A: Self-paced. The exercise classes have been recorded so you can do them as they fit into your schedule.

Q: What if I can’t exercise 5 days per week?
A: No worries! Stick to whatever plan works for you, your lifestyle, and your MS. Feel free to start with 2-3 classes per week if that’s what you can fit into your schedule/energy.

Q: What if I miss a day (or one week) of the exercise classes?
A: No worries! There is extra time (2 full weeks) built in the challenge so you'll have 6 weeks to complete the 4 week challenge. If you don't think you'll be able to complete the 4 weeks within the 6 week timeframe, I recommend adding on lifetime access by checking the box below so you will be able to come back to the challenge as often as you'd like... for life.

Q: Do I need any equipment?
A: We use a cane (or yoga strap or bathrobe belt) to stretch, occasionally.

We use a resistance band in one of the classes.

Otherwise, no weights or equipment are needed!

Q: How long will I have access for?
A: You'll have access for the lifetime of this offer. Repeat the challenge as many times as you'd like for years to come.

Q: When should I start the challenge?

A: This is designed for you to participate when you're READY to start day one!

Refunds will not be given. If you'd prefer to purchase lifetime access, you can choose to add it on by clicking the box below PRIOR to checking out.

$197.00 USD