The MSing Link eBook

With this step-by-step guide, you'll get:

  • A roadmap to getting stronger, improving your walking, and feeling empwowerd!
  • 100+ professional MS-specific exercise photos
  • To finally feel 100% confident in your exercise routine
  • Research-backed strategies to get your brain working along with your muscles!

Exercise is one of the MOST powerful tools we have to slow the progression of MS + maintain and improve day to day activities.

But each person with MS has a unique experience and unique symptoms. In The MSing Link book, I make sure to touch on all types of MS and best exercises & strategies based on research regardless of where you’re at in your diagnosis!

This book is for anyone looking to educate themselves on steps necessary for living confidently with MS with simple exercises & tools to help you get there.

Please note that you're purchasing the ebook, not the paperback version of the book. The ebook will be emailed to you upon checkout!

$9.99 USD

Add on a free exercise pdf + a video demonstration of every exercise in the book for an additional $17!

(Normally $159)

You'll get SIX videos that include:

⭑Exercises for Fatigue (Ch. 2)

⭑Different Types of Exercises (Ch. 4)

⭑The RIGHT Way to Exercise with MS (Ch. 5)

⭑Exercise Modifications (Ch. 6)

⭑Mobility Aid Fitting & Use (Ch. 9)

⭑FAQ - Stop Plopping Down + How to Get Up Off The Floor 

⭑ Bonus exercises in each video that aren't in the book


✓ The free exercise pdf contains all of the exercises in the book within one document for easy-to-access use! Plus, they're colored photos with a description for each one!

✓  Each exercise video ranges from 15-40 minutes; each exercise can be done in small chunks throughout your day or pieced together for a full exercise class.

✓ Easy access to all of the resources from each chapter in the book so that you don’t have to waste time trying to find them individually!

✓ 20+ podcast episodes, free challenges, webinars, & helpful tools so you can find the tools you need right away that will help you feel more confident & supported.

✓ Lifetime access so you can come back to these videos any time!