✨Goal Setting How To

Apr 18, 2023

Hey there!


Making resolutions or setting intentions isn't just for New Year's Eve or your yoga class. We can think about what we want to accomplish and how we want to get there anytime! While it's true that the bulk of goal-setting happens on January 2, did you know that most of those resolutions are cast aside by January 17? And that by mid-February over 80% are history?! Whether it's gaining control over your budget, beginning a hobby, or banishing your sweet tooth there are some things you can do to make sure that the goals you set today will be the goals you've achieved six months from now. Here's how:

Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards. Ideally, this should be something you're interested in or excited about. And it helps if it's something that's just a little beyond what you can currently do - goals that stretch us are motivating!

Write it down. Writing down our goals increases our chances of sticking to them. Ask yourself what you'll feel like once you've achieved your goal and then write that answer down! Ask how your goal connects to who you are or what you value. Be sure to describe your goal in specific terms ("I want to plant roses and lavender on my patio" rather than "I want to garden.") And use positive, affirming language - write your goals in terms of what you want, not what you don't want. ("I want to eat healthier" instead of "I don't want to eat chocolate.")

Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals increases our likelihood that we'll stick with them. 

Break your goal down. This is especially important for big goals. Think about the smaller steps you'll need to take along the way. Particularly if you have a big goal like "I want to run a marathon", smaller goals can help you celebrate the little successes you'll encounter on your journey - like when you consistently run for 20 minutes without stopping. 

Plan your first step. Think about how to begin even if your goal seems vague at first. Google "how to..." on the internet or read a book on the subject. Then, think of your next step, and then the next. Before you know it, you'll have a plan!

Keep going. Working toward a goal can be frustrating and difficult at times so if something isn't working, don't be afraid to pivot! Think of something else you could try that still propels you forward toward your goal. Ask people you know for ideas - you may see a different perspective you hadn't thought of! If you're really stuck then take a break, re-read the goals you wrote down, and make any adjustments to your goal. 

Celebrate! When you reach your goal, take time to enjoy it and thank those who helped you along the way. 


All my best, 

Dr. Gretchen, PT


1. Connect with me on YouTube - Subscribe to my Dr. Gretchen YouTube page where you will be able to find MS specific exercises, research updates, guest speakers, and MORE!

2. Join The MSing Link Community - The MSing Link is my online MS wellness program where you'll find video demonstrations and explanations of MS-specific exercises for strengthening, walking, balance, and flexibility. There are also videos for activity-specific movements such as getting into/out of bed or a car, standing up from the ground, sitting down with more control, stair climbing, etc. Since this program focuses on the whole person and not just exercise, we have monthly live guest speakers (ie: neurologists, podiatrists, nutritionists, etc.) and research updates.

3. Work with me privately - I offer wellness consults via Zoom. This is an opportunity for you to share your story with MS and your goals. I'm able to educate you on MS-specific exercises for walking, general mobility, transfers, and day-to-day activities (ie: getting into/out of a car, stair climbing, etc.). You can schedule a one-time call or you can schedule recurring calls - your choice. Oftentimes, people will schedule one of these calls prior to joining The MSing Link and/or one call every couple of months. Schedule here