The MSing Link Book

The MSing Link Book

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Has multiple sclerosis caused you to become fearful, frustrated, or overwhelmed
because your walking or mobility isn’t improving?

If you’ve tried physical therapy or other exercise programs in the past and they didn’t help, it’s not because of your MS, or your lack of effort.

Those exercises didn’t focus on improving the strength of your neural pathways in addition to your muscles.

Once you learn the
correct way to exercise with MS, you’ll finally start seeing improvements in your mobility, energy, and confidence.

Dr. Gretchen Hawley's action-focused guide offers straightforward steps to take control of your MS symptoms and feel empowered. MS-related fatigue, weakness, difficulty walking, and poor balance require neuroplasticity exercises, which strengthen neural pathways, not just muscles, and are often overlooked or ignored.

But not this time. This time, you'll see a difference.

If you’ve tried physical therapy or other exercise programs in the past and they didn’t help, it’s not because of your MS, or your lack of effort.

Those exercises didn’t focus on improving the strength of your neural pathways in addition to your muscles.

Once you learn the 
correct way to exercise with MS, you’ll finally start seeing improvements in your mobility, energy, and confidence.

Dr. Gretchen Hawley's action-focused guide offers straightforward steps to take control of your MS symptoms and feel empowered. MS-related fatigue, weakness, difficulty walking, and poor balance require neuroplasticity exercises, which strengthen neural pathways, not just muscles, and are often overlooked or ignored.

But not this time.
This time, you'll see a difference.

Mary P.


“Thank you so much for writing this book. You give me and many others with MS so much encouragement and hope and ways to get stronger and move and walk better.”

Heather P.


“I have been diagnosed for 22 years and I have been looking for a book like this since day 1.”

Barbara S.


“The book is incredible and should be read by anyone with MS, as well as, caregivers, families and friends of someone with MS!”

You'll Learn Exercises & Strategies to:

Plus, you'll get 100+ exercise photos to help you learn the best exercises for Multiple Sclerosis so that you can FINALLY start feeling stronger, standing longer, walking better, and tripping less.
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★ Audiobook Coming January 2024