180. MS Hope & Living Proof with Mathew Embry

Season #1

Mathew Embry is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and advocate for patients with multiple sclerosis. Mathew Embry was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1995 and his documentary Living Proof is an autobiographical story demonstrating why more than 25 years after his diagnosis he is symptom free and living an incredible life. He’s now releasing his 2nd documentary within the next 6 months or so and has a lot of upcoming changes and information on MS research that we’ll be discussing in today’s episode.

Website: http://www.Mshope.com 

Past podcast episodes:

The MSing Link Podcast Episode 2 – Apple Podcasts | Spotify

The Msing Link Podcast Episode 40 – Apple Podcasts | Spotify

Additional Resources: https://www.doctorgretchenhawley.com/insider

Reach out to Me: [email protected] 

Website: www.MSingLink.com


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→ Game Changers Course: https://www.doctorgretchenhawley.com/GameChangersCourse

→ Total Core Program: https://www.doctorgretchenhawley.com/TotalCoreProgram

→ The MSing Link: https://www.doctorgretchenhawley.com/TheMSingLink