182. Finding a Root Cause to MS Symptoms w/ Dr. Rachel Wolfe

Season #1

I have a very special guest that is talking to us today. And the reason that she is so special is because this is an area of expertise that we have never delved into on the MSing Link podcast! So, I'm really excited for you guys to learn from her. I'm going to be talking with Dr. Rachel Wolfe. She is a chiropractor focused on finding the root cause of disease or dysfunction for anyone struggling with chronic health conditions.

Website to find a clinic near you: https://www.thewellnessway.com/

Find Dr. Rachel & her team here: www.twwsarasota.com 

The Wellness Way Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/twwhealthcommunity 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewellnesswaysarasota 

Additional Resources: https://www.doctorgretchenhawley.com/insider

Reach out to Me: [email protected] 

Website: www.MSingLink.com


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