189. Exercises for MS: Wheelchair/Seated Edition
I have been receiving the question of what exercises can I do if I am in a wheelchair? And I've also been receiving questions like, "What exercises can I do if I'm sitting all day?" whether that's on the couch, or if you're at work, or if you're in bed. And I really wanted to create a podcast episode about this because so often when we sit the majority of our day. There's actually a lot of exercise that you can do from a seated position! Let's dive in!
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→ Game Changers Course: https://www.doctorgretchenhawley.com/GameChangersCourse
→ Total Core Program: https://www.doctorgretchenhawley.com/TotalCoreProgram
→ The MSing Link: https://www.doctorgretchenhawley.com/TheMSingLink